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We proudly present the following services

The three main areas of Service are  Consulting, Auditing and Training. We take pride in doing these services as we not only assist our clients to comply with legislation but also coach their staff while performing the contracted service. It is preferred to do training at the client's premises whenever it is practical as only one person needs to travel instead of many. It also cuts cost of accommodation and other expenses.




  • Our main objective is to assist our clients to comply with the Health & Safety Legislation.
  • To start a risk assessment is required to determine the risk to the company and then suggest methods to comply with the legislation.
  • We assist the client in implementing a Health and Safety Program
  • Conduct periodical audits to determine the effectiveness of the program.
  • Assist Construction companies with Safety files as per their Scope of work.
  •  a Complete legal compliance audit is required for  the client to determine  their level of compliance.
  • The audit highlights the areas of non- compliance.
  • Assisting the client to eliminate the area of non compliance.
  • Assist with legal record documentation.

  • An essential part of a complete Health & Safety Programme is Training.
  • The OHS Act requires that a person must first be trained before they can be appointed to assist the manager in maintaining the company's Health & Safety Program.
  • We are able do provide all the required by the Act on the premises of the client based on unit standards and is fully accredited.
  • Our services also includes the customising of an Induction program, writing the training material and supplying a booklet for each employee, or we can also do the training on the client's premises.
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