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Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some questions that get asked frequently. We will attempt to answer them as completely as possible.


Do I have to have a Health and Safety Management Plan?

Yes, the Occupational Health and Safety Act requires that a safety management plan be in place within 4 months of the business starting to trade.




Can we keep aspirin in our First Aid box?

No, Section 3 of the General safety regulations of the OSH Act, specifies the minimum content of the box and no medication is listed.

This is because only medically trained registered people can administer medicine in a work environment.. If you do dispense you contravene Section 38a of the Nursing Act section  and Section 22 of the Medicines and Related Substances Control Act. The penalty is R40,000 for this offence.

When must I appoint a Heath & Safety Representative.


The Act requires that a Health & Safety Rep is appointed when you employ 20 People and then for shop and office one for every 100 people employed and for factories one for every 50 persons employed.

When must I appoint a First Aider

If your company employs five employees you must have a first aid box. When you employ ten or more people you must train and appoint a first aider.


How do I avoid getting fined by the Department of Labour?

  1. Recognise safety hazard before the DOL does.
  2. Implement Effective health and safety procedure, Staff must be trained before any appointments are done.
  3. Prevent accidents before they happen. Have continuous safety improvement program where pro active measures are used.
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